Here's part of what Bendigo Alliance president Max Turner has to say in the edition of Bendigo Monthly now hitting the streets of Bendigo
Bendigo Citizens and Ratepayers held high hope for change at City Hall after
the last Council Elections. Sadly, not to be.
I well remember all the promises from most sitting and budding councillors
prior to the last Council election, and they’re behind the scenes promises
trying to gain our vote.
Remember: ‘I will support Good Governance, Transparency and Accountability’.
Some strongly supported change at the top.
There was an expectation that the new council would stand up and put
Bendigo first. What has changed since being elected?
I warned at the time that “This new council has been invested with trust from
the residents and ratepayers. That faith will quickly evaporate if Bendigo is
dished up the same distasteful and dismissive menu that characterized the
majority of previous councils”
I also wrote, “Council should end the charade of councilors giving reports at
meetings. Be like other probing and inquiring councils across Victoria and
replace reports with questions of the CEO and directors – return the initiation
of new projects and actions back to residents and their elected
There is no place in the new council for an inferior model of democracy that
has only served to shut out questions and concerns of residents. Good
Governance, Transparency and Accountability must be the order of the day.”
Sad to say, nothing has changed. Much is the responsibility of the CEO.
Mr Niemann came to City of Greater Bendigo in 2005, and was appointed CEO
After his appointment council carelessly indulged in a spending spree. Rates
increased 32.6% between 2006/07 and 2011/12, and employee costs rose by
42% from $31 million to $44 million. Residents can thank recent years’ rate
capping stopping that trend, much to the CEO’s displeasure expressed on more
than one occasion.